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What is echinacea (porcupine grass)? How is it grown? – My home

What is echinacea (porcupine grass), where does it grow, does it grow in pots? How to care, how to water, what diseases are there?? Naz Irmak Saf from My Planted House responded.

WHAT IS ECHINESIA? (hedge grass)

Echinacea (Echinacea) is a popular perennial herb. They are resistant to heat and drought. They are easy to breed. They bloom for months. They make wonderful cut flowers and attract birds and pollinators.

Echinacea flowers in beautiful shades of pink, orange, yellow, red and light green.

With its colorful flowers reminiscent of daisies, it attracts attention throughout the season. Echinacea is an excellent plant for sunny locations. Its showy, colorful and fragrant flowers have a distinctive central cone held high on sturdy stalks. They produce profusions of showy flowers that last into the rest of the growing season in mid-summer. Today’s cultivars produce a wide variety of flower colors, with various shades of orange, pink, purple, white, and yellow. Numerous flower types are also available, including varieties with single, double, pinnate, or bicolored flowers or leaves that change color over time. Breeding advances are sure to continue to fuel demand for these very popular garden perennials.


The name of the genus Echinacea derives from the Greek word echinos, meaning hedgehog or sea urchin, and refers to the flower’s spiny, spiny central cone.

Where does echinese grow? CARE TIPS

Echinacea (porcupine grass)

Echinacea thrives in moderately fertile, well-drained soil. They do not do well in poorly drained or persistently moist soil.

In the first year after planting, it should be watered abundantly. After planting echinacea (2-3 years), they are quite drought-resistant.

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Guide to the arbor

Echinacea is best planted in sunny times. But it also grows well in partial shade. In a shady location, they will not grow as vigorously and form fewer flowers.

this is exciting Perennials are easy to grow and usually requires little maintenance. Cutting off faded flowers encourages further flowering. However, it will not produce a magnificent flower picture as the first flower.


The most common insect pests that feed on Echinacea include aphids, caterpillars, grasshoppers, Japanese beetles, leafhoppers, and whiteflies. With the exception of cicadas, most of these pests do not cause significant damage under normal conditions. Leafhoppers are a disease called Aster Yellows that usually causes the plant to look abnormal (flowers often remain green and disfigured). Echinacea is susceptible to powdery mildew and root rot diseases, as well as aster yellow.

What are perennial flowers? balcony, garden, indoor plants

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