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    9 decorating ideas that will cool and refresh your home in summer

    With a few small changes, you can prepare your home for hot weather. Preparing for summer doesn’t require a lot of money or time. Sometimes even the smallest of changes, like using lightweight throw pillows or switching to airy organic fabrics, can instantly make your home feel more spacious and “summery”. Plus, organizing your living…

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    What is echinacea (porcupine grass)? How is it grown? – My home

    What is echinacea (porcupine grass), where does it grow, does it grow in pots? How to care, how to water, what diseases are there?? Naz Irmak Saf from My Planted House responded. WHAT IS ECHINESIA? (hedge grass) Echinacea (Echinacea) is a popular perennial herb. They are resistant to heat and drought. They are easy to…

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    How do you care for and propagate the poinsettia? Tips – My home

    “How to care for the poinsettia?”, “How to propagate the poinsettia?” If you’re looking for answers to your questions, Planted Evim’s Naz Irmak Saf tells Evim Magazine the tricks for caring for the poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima). WHAT DOES THE ATATURK FLOWER MEAN? Named after the great leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, this beautiful red flowering plant…

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