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Home » How do you care for and propagate the poinsettia? Tips – My home

How do you care for and propagate the poinsettia? Tips – My home

“How to care for the poinsettia?”, “How to propagate the poinsettia?” If you’re looking for answers to your questions, Planted Evim’s Naz Irmak Saf tells Evim Magazine the tricks for caring for the poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima).


Named after the great leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, this beautiful red flowering plant has its origins in Mexico. The meaning of your nameIt is said that Ataturk was very fond of this flower and made great efforts to popularize it in Turkey.

Another story is the publication of a news item in the Cumhuriyet newspaper stating: “A new yellow flower has been named after the great leader in America.”


  • The poinsettia is very delicate and requires careful care.
  • It flowers in December, January and February.
  • While it is sufficient to water once a week in the winter months, i.e. the flowering period, it is advantageous to water twice a week in the spring months.
  • You should be careful not to water too much. Watering should be done while the soil dries. Excessive watering can lead to fungal growth and plant death.
  • You should not leave water in the pot.
  • In order for the Ataturk flower to be healthy, it must receive sufficient light. The window front is ideal for this.
  • The poinsettia is very easily affected by air currents It can shed its leaves.


The poinsettia, which has showy blooms, opens its blooms over 5 meters long when it likes the care environment.

Poinsettia care, pruning, watering, leaf roasting

How is the Ataturk flower watered?

Soil moisture should be checked when watering. The soil should be watered while it dries, and excess water should be drained from the slab. Since it is a plant that loves a humid environment, its leaves should be watered regularly with a water sprayer, especially in summer. Care should be taken to use pots with air holes.


In very hot and very cold environments, the plant cannot complete its development. And it is observed that the plant wilts or the leaves tend down.

It likes a bright environment. It should be placed in a place where it can receive filtered sunlight. It is beneficial to wait half a day in a dark environment for the flowers to turn red in early autumn. If you have a window that doesn’t get direct sunlight, it’s a plant that’s easy to look at in this location.

How should the Atatürk potting soil be?

The floor should be waterproof. Well-drained garden soil mixed with peat can be used.

Poinsettia care tips

When and how should Ataturk flowers be pruned?

The most suitable cutting time for the poinsettia, which begins to shed its leaves in spring, is again this process.

Especially from May it is good for the health of the plant to remove the weak or lifeless leaves from the forked stem.

Weak branches on the stalk of the poinsettia are also cut off, so that the blossoms and leaves of the plant come into their own when the plant is open.

Another important recommendation when pruning is to cut old and weak branches at a distance of 10–15 cm from the ground.


Excessive watering in winter can lead to leaf shedding. In winter it only needs to be watered once a week.

If it has been exposed to the airflow, leaf shedding may still occur. It is necessary, as mentioned above, to select the appropriate medium for flowering.

Ask: The red leaves of my poinsettia, which I have been caring for in my house for the past three years, have fallen off. It hasn’t had any red leaves for about 5 months. Does he have an illness? what should i do for him Thank you for your help…

Answer: Unfortunately, it is difficult to keep Ataturk flowers alive in the home environment. Place it in places in the house that receive plenty of light and are not exposed to direct sunlight. The temperature in the house should be 18 degrees, and the humidity should be high.


If the poinsettia leaves do not turn red, they should be kept in the dark continuously for half the day from September. It can be placed in a dark room or protected from light with an opaque cover.

The browning of the leaves of the poinsettia is related to the exposure to light. If left in the dark for about 14 hours, the leaves will turn brown.

Christmas star


It is said that Ataturk saw this flower in a greenhouse and liked it very much. Hence the name of the flower. In nature there are more than 2000 species. His homeland is Mexico. With its showy foliage, it is the most enthusiastic plant of the winter months. Small and yellow flowers bloom between December and March. It has red, pink or white leaves.

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Change the pot every April. Fertilize once a week before flowering from April to September. It likes places that don’t receive direct sunlight.

Maintain an ambient temperature of 18-20°C during flowering. After flowering, cut back 20 centimeters above the ground.

Water abundantly from June to September, gradually shorten the watering intervals from September. Spray the leaves with lime-free water, especially in summer and during hot periods.

If you water too much during the flowering period, the leaves will fall off and the plant will die of rot. Water very little from mid-February to late April. You can propagate it in April-May, taking cuttings 10 centimeters long from young shoots.


The Mexicans, like their Aztec ancestors, worshiped this beautiful plant so much that they made it a legend. They used it as a medicinal plant and benefited from it for skin diseases. But in the 19th The old continent was not aware of this beautiful flower until the German naturalist Alexander von Humboldt met it around the turn of the century. Thanks to Humboldt, the seeds of the plant that made its journey to Germany were planted, expected to grow and blossom, admired and propagated. Latin for her, which means “the most beautiful of all spurge plants”. Euphorbia pulcherrima called himself. While it is known as such in Europe, there were others who admired our beautiful plant.

The first Mexican ambassador to the United States, physician and botanist Joel Poinsett, snatched the plant, which struck him as soon as he saw it, and brought it to southern California in 1828, where he was born. The greenhouse he supplied explores the commercial dimensions of the plant, which is dead easy to propagate and becomes very attractive with its red leaves in the winter months. He must have realized that the production was attractive as the plant quickly spread and became famous. Named after Joel Poinsett, who was an ambassador for its production and distribution, our beautiful fireball is no longer a plant native to the remote tropical bushes of Mexico.


It is also called poinsettia because, like us, it blooms in December and January, which means that its red leaves appear.

Nowadays; There is no one who does not know, but knowing a plant’s adventure before decorating our homes doesn’t make it that much more meaningful in our eyes?

Shortly after the tiny flowers, which are inconspicuous at the end of summer, the plant-specific crimson leaves appear. In order for these leaves to appear, daylight must be reduced. For this reason, if placed in a place that does not receive light at the end of summer, its leaves will turn red. Place in a bright, direct sunlight and sheltered from the wind during the tanning period. The soil must be dry for both waterings. Excessive watering will lead to the death of the plant.

Some poinsettia species are shaped like trees.

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