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Home » What causes powdery mildew on flowers? What is the solution? – My home

What causes powdery mildew on flowers? What is the solution? – My home

What causes powdery mildew on flowers? Planted Evim’s Naz Irmak Saf spoke about the common mildew disease in plants and their solutions.


Powdery mildew is one of the negative diseases that most often affects garden plants. It is a disease transmitted by external factors such as wind and insects and has a sticky, dusty appearance covering the surface of plant leaves.

Powdery mildew in flowers prevents the development of the new offspring of the plants.


Powdery mildew on flowers is actually a fungus. Powdery mildew can be observed in environments with high humidity and insufficient exposure to sunlight. Powdery mildew spreads more on hazy days with high humidity.

Powdery mildew on houseplants can also come from the outside, as well as improper watering, excessive moisture in the environment, and dust that collects on the leaf surface. Do not forget to periodically wipe the dust formed on the leaves of indoor plants with a damp cloth.


In order to avoid the disease, it makes sense to pay attention to a few points during care. Conditions such as watering the plants from above, keeping the grass constantly wet or damp can trigger powdery mildew. Usually the disease begins in the lower leaves of plants.

Be sure to prune the leaves where you see powdery mildew and remove them from your garden. Unfortunately, plants with powdery mildew cannot grow. It has trouble opening its flowers. As the disease progresses, leaf and fruit drop occurs.

Powdery mildew is a fast spreading disease. Therefore, an appropriate drug must be used. You can get fungicides from places that sell pesticides, especially for garden plants. While using this medicine you should wear a mask to avoid breathing and it is advisable to do this outdoors in an open area. The disease will not go away with a single dose of medication. The application should be carried out at regular intervals. It can be applied every 10-15 days depending on the spread of the disease. If the disease is very widespread, these leaves should be pruned.

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In the case of powdery mildew, which occurs on indoor plants, you can initially give priority to a natural treatment. You can intervene with a mixture of baking soda, natural homemade vinegar and natural soap. You can add 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of natural vinegar and half a tablespoon of natural Arabic soap to 1 liter of water. You can apply this application to the problematic areas, especially the lower leaves, once a week. But don’t waste your time with the natural powdery mildew treatment and try to get the drug directly.


Powdery mildew that occurs in the garden can be observed on many crops such as tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, peach, mint, rose, eggplant, chestnut, strawberry.

Powdery mildew can also be observed on indoor plants. Particularly Kalanchoe It is often found in flowers. Except this one begonia types and violetIt can also be observed in

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