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    Moroccan style spaces inspired by white – My Home

    Oriental, ethnic and sophisticated… These Moroccan living spaces reflect an ingrained style and distinctive taste that stretches from the past to the present. Our inspiration was the mesmerizing, delicately colored, rich culture of El Ramla Hamra, the online shopping store where you can find beautiful Moroccan accessories, jewelry and textiles. We thought that you might…

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    Vegetable Pasta Recipe (4-6 people) – My Home

    We are here with the vegetable pasta recipe. A delicious pasta recipe from the oven with vegetables… Preparation time: 30 minutes Necessary materials 250 grams of pasta 700 g fresh cheddar cheese, grated 200 g cauliflower, cut into small florets 50 g cabbage, finely chopped 1 zucchini 1 tablespoon olive oil 75g grated cheese (cheddar,…

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    Don’t throw away the coffee grounds! You can use it in 9 different ways – My Home

    Don’t throw away the coffee grounds. Coffee grounds also work after drinking coffee. Cleaning is the best. Want to make coffee grounds usable for your business? If your answer is yes, you can try these quick and handy suggestions. Use coffee grounds to remove bad smells from the refrigerator Placing the coffee grounds in a…

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